

contact teacher Felicia and erhu lesson plan

Learn to Play the Erhu in 3 months
Wherever You Are!

Bitten by the Erhu Bug! Telling Yourself, “I Gotta Get An Erhu!” So you order one from online. You manage to play a few notes, but making no progress. Frustrated! You checkout local music schools and stores to see if they offer any Erhu Lessons. They reply,
“Errrr….Who?…” and “No Erhu Lessons Here.”
Now You Have Choice! You can learn to play the Erhu correctly and produce fantastic music. The First Ever Interactive Online Erhu Lessons!

Here are the Wonderful Features of the Online Program:
Lessons Conducted Through the Internet – In the Comfort of Your Own Home.
Attend Lessons Wherever You Are –Just need a Computer with Speakers & Internet Connection.
Interactive Platform – Lessons are conducted online with an instructor and a facilitator, so that you can ask and get questions and answers along the way.
Systematic Teaching – Step By Step Learn Technique. Will Master Each Part Before Moving On.
What you are getting from the Interactive Online Erhu Lessons:

All Online Erhu Lessons are One To One Lessons
Lessons are Conducted Once a Week and Each Lesson Lasting 60 Minutes
All Learning Materials are “Free” and I’ll also send you MP3 Music Downloads for each song you learned.
You will be taught:
* How To Tie The QianJin,Rosin The Erhu Bow,Cleaning and Maintenance For The Erhu
* The Right Hand Bowing Techniques
* Left Hand Postures & Fingering Techniques
* How To Change The Erhu Strings & Tuning The Strings
* How To Change Left Hand Finger Position Correctly
* Learn to Play short songs with D scale, G scale, F scale
* Holding Shift & Position Shift
* Cross-bow string shift,Beating Tone & Vibrato
* Much More Including Erhu Music Pieces & Scores…

The first period for basic skills:
US $28 – Individual Lessons and Each Lesson Lasting 60 Minutes

US $315 – All 12 Lessons for 12 Weeks
At the end of First Period Lessons, Individuals will be able perform well enough to play simple tunes on the erhu. The more you practice and review my lessons the better you will be playing. Think about the Time and Money you could be saving from purchasing other erhu books, VCDs in Chinese, and other Erhu Lessons.

The second Period Lessons-More Advance Continuation lessons:
After controlling some erhu skills by me for 12 weeks,do you wanna be skilled and look like professional or just wanna make it sounds more wonderful?
Then continue your erhu learning and welcome to our next period lessons.

You will be taught:
* Fast bow-separation and string-shift exercise
* Bow-jump,Fling bow or some overtone
* Reinforced fingering training
* play C scale,A scale,or bB scale with erhu music
* Master piece like The Moon Reflected In Er-quan,Yu Bei Ballade with our own emotion…
US $32 – Individual Lessons and Each Lesson Lasting 60 Minutes
(Individual Payments for Each Lesson.)

US $ 285 – All 10 Lessons for 10 Weeks
(More Advance Continuation Lessons)

At the end of Second Period Lessons, Individuals will be able perform well.You can easily play some master erhu piece,like HongHu Peple’s Aspiration,The Sanmen Gorge Capriccio,The Moon Reflected In Er-quan and so on.The more you practice and review my lessons the better you will be playing.

All fees are paid by “paypal“, its convenient, simple and no extra fees.
Need to consider different “Time Zones” .The Lessons will take some time adjust due to different Time Zones. Please contact me to Schedule Lessons (Beijing, China Time Zone).

well,if you are in Beijing,the same city now i’m living ,then the fees will follow the average here 100rmb/hour.
Besides,Erhu instruments with certificate(coz the python skin on erhu) are also available.

If you wanna know any details,just feel free to contact me:
My email:
my skype: Feliciags
my phone number:+86 01 135 2289 3691

Best regards,
Felicia from beijing

